Sunday, September 2, 2007

Giving In

I always thought that blogs were a little strange. I mean, their sort of impersonal, and they seem like an odd way to keep in touch. I also am a little uncomfortable with this idea of everyone reading my internet diary, as it were. I don't expect them to. They shouldn't have to, nor should they really want to. My day, my life, my thoughts, they're inconsequential and minute...with every single thing happening in our world it seems really silly. I know that sentence in and of itself is silly and cliche but still. I'm still down with one-on-one contact. I don't want this blog to replace personal updates, phone calls, etc. I'm just excited to finally jot down my ideas. I like that. I think its more for me personally than anything else. Is that selfish? I'm not sure. I hope that if people do read my blog that it makes them smile and sparks conversation. So here goes, this is my first blog. Let's see how long I keep it up and if anyone at all is interested. Hee.


Anonymous said...

I'm interested, but then again, I've always been nosy. :)

Miss you and promise to send proper email/lettering forms of communication.

Kavita said...

I think we all have something to say; whether it's about life, love, career, the world or family I think it's worth writing about. And a lot of times it's easier to get things down on paper than say them out loud. And it lessens the load on the shoulders:)

Anonymous said...

You'll know blogging has consumed you when you say things like "Oh, it's in the blog."

EleniH said...

Thanks for the support guys, much love :o)